Natural Stress Relief

Stress relief therapies and stress management education have a central place in traditional Chinese medicine, and we provide some of the most affordable and effective, natural therapies and self-empowerment methods available anywhere. 

Chinese medicine has for thousands of years recognized that stress, tension, and inability to deeply relax lead to a myriad of diseases.  Today, some experts estimate that as much as 80 percent of common ailments have some relationship to stress. Chinese physicians developed acupuncture, acupressure, and qi gong (breathing meditation) methods to relieve stress. 

Stress can cause irritabilty, anger, nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, depression, sadness, loss of motivation, disinterest, headaches, muscular tension, and problems with digestion and elimination such as upset stomach, gas and bloating, and constipation or diarrhea. 

In response to stress, many people engage in health-damaging behaviors such as smoking or chewing tobacco, drinking alcohol, using drugs (prescription and recreational), watching television or movies more than 2 hours a day, overeating, eating junk food, or engaging in risky activities.  Our therapies can help you reduce and eliminate your unhealthy habits by replacing them with simple, more effective methods for stress relief.

Acupuncture, reiki, and hypnotherapy all induce states of deep relaxation, equal or superior to massage therapy, while also offering other benefits.  Beyond temporary relief, we can teach you how to minimize internal (emotional) and external (diet and lifestyle) stressors and manage stress with simple mindfulness and relaxation techniques including breathiing techniques (qi gong).

Acupuncture for Stress Relief

For pain relief and deep relaxation, acupuncture offers one of the most affordable options.  Our affordable acupuncture stress relief sessions will induce a deep state of head-to-toe relaxation without requiring you to remove any clothing, and costing less than a discount massage at Massage Envy.  In addition to immediate stress relief, an acupuncture session can address specific pain or ailments, and regular acupuncture can improve your overall health.

Reiki for Stress Relief 

A Reiki session will induce a deep state of relaxation and help you gain awareness of your purpose and mental and emotional obstacles to a more fulfilling life.  Many of our clients combine acupuncture with one-half hour of Reiki for increased relaxation.

Hypnotherapy for Stress Relief

Hypnotherapy sessions introduce you to the use of guided imagery to induce a deep state of relaxation and organize and integrate your mental, emotional, and physical gifts and resources behind your intentions.  

CORE Counseling for Stress Relief

If you find yourself repeatedly falling into an unhealthy lifetyle or relationships and having difficulty moving forward in life, Tracy's Holistic Core Counseling can help you discover your life purpose, and monitor and manage the parts of you that cause you stress by getting in your way as you attempt to implement a healthy lifestyle, build healthy relationships, or achieve your life purpose.

Qi Gong for Stress Relief

"Qi gong" literally means "breath work."   It consists of regulating your breath, posture, and attention to produce a state of deep relaxation. Basic qi gong practice involves sitting quietly and managing your attention to allow your breath to become smooth and quiet.  For long term stress management, you can elect to learn qi gong from us.

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